Saturday, December 20, 2008
Were in Trouble!
When the weather is bad....
So Josh and I have wanted to get into Prison Break for a while now but with all Josh had going on we decided it would be best to start watching once he was done! So Wednesday night we decided to go get the first season and now Saturday morning we are almost done with season 2. I know its sick and out little Lincoln probably thinks he got sent to dead beat parents. But i will say the weather is awful and its so good... we cant stop watching!!
Dinner with the Grads!
Josh has been going to sschool, taking the same classes with his buddy Adam for 4 years, and then taking the same class with Parker and Joe for about 2 1/2 years. They studied together, did projects together and probably saw each other more then I did! So Since they finsihed up we decided to go to Tucanos to celebrate with the wifes.
Hats off to the Grad!!!
On Tuesday Josh finished his last final and graduated from BYU with his masters in Accounting!!! He walks in April but he is officially done! Even though there is more school this is such a mile stone and I am so proud of him! He worked so hard all through the junior core and then finishing up his masters. Late nights, all nighters, hours in the library, 4 hour tests, huge projects, hours at school, and much more... now over! Not to mention his last few semesters studying for the LAST he took in December and having a baby in November. If this is not something to be proud of then i don't know what is!
That day Britty and I decorated the house for Josh, and then made a little graduation hat for Lincoln with a sign saying my dad graduated! Im not sure he loved the hat so he was a little mad but this was the best picture we got!
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Meeting Papa!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Doctor Scare
After we got home from thanksgiving dinner Lincoln was not being his normal self. He was crying a lot, not really eating and felt a little warm to me. So Josh ran to the store to get a thermometer. It seemed as though he had some gas and was not feeling well from that but then we checked his temp. and it was at 99. There was a site online that said at 99 he has fever, so we called the doctor and they had us come in. They checked his temp again at the doctor and it was down to 98.2, and Lincoln was sound a sleep being so good. So when the doctor came in I said can you tell we are new at this and that our mom's are gone! He laughed and said we get this all the time. We talked with him a little about making sure he stays healthy and what things we needed to do and he just stressed staying away from anyone who is sick and anyone in a house with someone who is sick. He told us how some people will think you are being to protective, and some will understand and depending on the kind of people Josh and I are depends on who you allow in the house. Josh told him we are kind of push overs and he said well then keep him away for 4 weeks. We asked about flying home for Christmas and gave us good advice for that, but also told us its mostly up to us and how we feel about it. So If you don't see us for another 3 weeks you know why! It cost 25 bucks, but really made us feel good about things!
Giving Thanks!

First Doctors Visit
8 lb 5 oz
20.5 inches
We took Lincoln on Tuesday for his first doctors visit, and he was so good, everything looks great and he is doing so well! I couldn't believe it when they told us how much he has grown in 6 days! I think they measured him wrong or something. That or is going to be a big baby, and we are going to have to borrow the nickname chunky!
First Bath!!
More Visitors
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Lincoln Joshua
I couldn't get this to show up without cutting off half the picture, but here is a slideshow of a bunch of pictures!
More Pictures
22 HOURS!!!
Don't worry I will post more pictures right after, I just wanted to make sure and write about the experience a little bit! I went to the doctor Monday morning, and there was no change and they said the only thing they can do was induce me next Monday... this was not what I wanted to hear and I just lost it when I got home, I just wanted our baby to be here. The nurse did want me to come back to see the doctor the next day, so he could re-evaluate, and I thought okay, maybe there is a chance he will let me go sooner than Monday. ( i thought what excuses can I give him, so he feels bad for me). So Tuesday afternoon right before i went in I got a call from Emma, because she had just seen the doctor, and they had her scheduled for her induction Wednesday morning. I thought now I really have to have this baby! I went to see the doctor and he stripped me again but he had heard every excuse there was and still he said I will see you Monday.
So after being told this who knows how many times, i just figured okay, i just need to brace myself for Monday! So Josh and I went for a walk when we got home, which got something going but nothing i hadn't felt before, the only good thing was when we got home from the walk my cramps and contractions stayed and they normally went right away. Still at this point nothing to be to excited about. So then we went over to Adam and Shannon's house for dinner and dessert( Shannon and I figured the dessert would make everything better). Still feeling some contractions but still didn't make a big deal of it. By this time we were getting ready to leave and I was feeling contractions about every 5-9 minutes. We got home I took a showed and we started write down the contractions. For the next 2 hours they were between 3-5 minutes. I felt like it was time to go, so I had Josh give me a blessing and we headed over.
We got to the hospital they checked me, waited an hour and they said okay your staying. Our nurse was named Ashley and she was awesome. She explained everything to us, and she would stay in our room and just chat with us. Her shift was going to be over at 6 in the morning and would be coming back at 2 but she said with how often my contractions were coming there was no way I would be here past 12 noon. So we just kept waiting for my body to change, 6am came around, Ashely left, and about 7am John and Emma got to the hospital. It was so fun because Ashley had set up to let us be in rooms right next door to each other. This was fun for Josh and John because they got to have meals together and visit each other as Emma and I would just call each other to get updates. So after waiting and more waiting 2pm came around and Ashely was back, she peeked in and said I am so sorry but I will be here till 6 and there is no way you wont have this baby here, so i will be here to deliver your baby. Emma was about ready at this point and so Ashley put her monitor on our screen so we could see when she was pushing and when the baby was here. On the monitor at about 2:30 it said female born, so Josh went and banged on the wall so they knew we knew she was here! It was so much fun, you could hear her cry and it was so cute!
About an hour after Mary was born it was my turn to start pushing. Dr. Jacob came and said okay because its your first it will be about an hour and a half to 2 hours so keep that in mind. Well 2 hours later I was still pushing. I was progressing but was not ready yet, so they had me keep pushing. It was about 6 o'clock and a little over 2 and half hours and the doctor came and explained to me he could help with forceps but if it didn't work then we would have to do c-section. This did not go over well with me I lost it. So He ask me if I could keep pushing, i told him yes but he needed to stay close because I was so tired. I pushed for another 15 minutes and told them he need to come in. Dr. Jacob got the forceps on and he was here in 5 minutes. The best part was when the doctor said okay dad you make the announcement. Josh looked at him and said its a boy!! SO at 6:35 Lincoln Joshua was born and Josh and I both started to cry, partly because it was all over but it was the neatest thing i have ever experienced in my life. A moment you never forget.
Our poor little boy had swallowed his own pooh so they had to send him straight to the NIC unit. I was sad because I didn't get to be with him, but Josh went up with him. Josh said he did so well and he hardly cried. Josh just sat in there and held his hand. They cleaned me up, took me to see him and then took me downstairs to my room. Everyone was there because they had come to see little Mary and were just waiting for me. Since no one knew what the sex of the baby was they were dying, so they let 3 people go in at a time to see him. They everyone came back the next day to hold him.
So after 22 hours it was well worth it, he is the cutest thing I have ever seen and I love him to death.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
0 DAYS!!???
I don't know what to think about the counter!! Its fun to see that there are no more days left but then its almost worse because you get to the end of your goal, but with no prize. Josh and I were talking the other day, and he was talking to the belly saying how this baby was just trying to make a grand entrance!! I think he is right, the only thing i worry about is that this baby is already stubborn, with a mind of its own. I don't know if that makes him/her more like his mom or dad!!! So still just waiting, i guess I know that the doctor wont let me go more than a week over my due date, so I guess there are no more than 7 more days, and this time I can make a chain( you know the paper chains you used to make growing up, when your excited for Christmas, your birthday, or something your just waiting for to come) and know that when I get to the end I will get what we are waiting for.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Ten Dollars!!
I wish I took a picture before I started with the cushions on, but this is what the fabric looked like.
So I found this glider on KSL for $10 bucks! Can you believe it? She said it was pretty used but in good condition. When I went to go look at it, I couldn't believe how nice the chair was, but the cushions were pretty used. So I decided since this baby is not here yet I would start a new project! I will say it turned out better than I thought it would, for a first re-upholstering. I'm just excited to have one, and even more excited that with everything it cost 30 bucks!!! Now the baby just needs to come!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Doctors Visit #100, it Fells Like
Just so you know I am going to tell about my visit to the doctor, so for those that don't like it, don't have to read it but I want to be able to have it one day to remember. John thinks its weird, and that's the only reason I give the for warning.
So Monday I went in or my weekly visit, and I had Dr. Gamete. He checked me and told me that I finally changed. I am now 65% and dilated to a 2 (well in between a 1 and 2, it just makes me feel better to say 2). I asked him if he would help me, because you hear that stripping the membranes helps. So he did and that was awful. He told me before it would be about 10 seconds and that I would not like him. So he had his arm across my belly and I was squeezing it the whole time. I hope he dint care but if he was going to do that I needed something to squeeze. Half way through he said okay you have 5 more seconds, and I told you, you wouldn't like me, can you do it. I was not about to stop now so I had him finish. I was pushing down on the end of the table and it made this noise like it came off the hinge(Josh and laughed about how I broke the table after) I didn't have a chance to look at Josh but I"m sure he was not looking, probably staring at the wall behind him!!! I have heard that getting this done can put you into labor within 24 hours, I'm still pregnant so I hope it at least changed me. So the best part is Emma went in the day after me to have the same thing done, and after told the nurse that he sister-in-law had this done yesterday and it was not as bad as I had described. The nurse then told her,"oh she must of had Dr. Gamete". Of course I got him, but at least it was the first time it had ever been done so I really didn't know what to expect. Believe it or not if I go in Monday and they say I have changed, as bad as it was, I will have them do it again. The things you will do to get this baby here!
After, Dr. Gamete sat down and talked to us for a little bit, and he told me how I have a good sized baby in there, and he hopes the baby is turned right, or there is a possibility of have a c-section. He said I don't want to scare you but I just don't want to get in there and spring this on you if we do end up having to do it. He said there is still a 75% chance it will be normal. I then asked him how long after the due date he would let me go. He said most women don't go more than a week over, and then said I can promise you, you will have the baby by December 1st. I said, can you tell me I will have it by the end of the week, and he said well I can promise it will be here before thanksgiving. So, he thinks its coming late, just my luck. My new prediction is Nov. 17Th, and then praying it will coming sooner, and not a day later. We will have to see.
Friday, November 07, 2008
The Counter!!!
It was nice to look at the blog today and see single digits!!!!! I can't believe only 9 more days, or at least I hope only 9 more days! I will have to say the closer it gets the harder it is to want to still be pregnant. We are just excited for this little one to get here, and I cant wait to sleep on my belly, but most of all stopping thinking that every little thing I am feeling, could be something!!! We had one night we thought poss. it could be something so we got the car packed and ready, but there was nothing! Dont worry we will keep everyone updated!!

The last few years Josh and I have made the rounds to see all the nieces and nephews, and that has been our favorite. As he and I were driving from one place to the next Josh and I were talking and just saying how happy we were to be able to go and see all the kids, and that Halloween for us now was not some pointless party but to see the cute little kids all dresses up and to see the excitement as they go from house to house or trunk to trunk. I was able to get a few pictures, but of course Morgan would not let me get a picture of her this year, again, and then surprising neither would Kaden.... Justin was getting ready to go on the Rhino so I just said forget it, ill get one from there blog!!!
37 Weeks
A Little late, but i didn't have the picture so I took it off of Emma's blog... I will have to get another picture before we both have our babies as one last picture!!!!! It has been so much fun to take these month pictures with Emma, and even more fun to be pregnant at the same time! Or kids will be so close in age, and I loved that growing up!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Another mark in the loss column!!! This year has not been what it was all hyped up to be, but it still has been fun! Josh had 4 tests, 2 projects and an LSAT practice test all due this last week and this is what was getting him threw the week, and then the Buckeyes let him down! He says they did play well and if they were to lose to anyone in the BIG TEN it would be Penn State! I guess he has been to busy to really talk my ear off about it, that or he is getting better... you think!!! Maybe not quite. It really is fun and I love that he loves something this much! I have actually gotten into it enough to were I ask a question and don't realize that he and I start talking about for the next 20 minutes, so it can't really be that bad!
Next weeks game should be better, or at least have a better out come!
We had another doctors appointment on Monday and he told me that there was a little bit of change in dilation but not much with anything else. I knew this was going to happen. I started early and have now sat like this for almost 3 weeks. Dr. Jacob says to not get discouraged because it is still early... easy for him to say!!! Josh said when we got home that we got into this knowing it was 40 weeks and its good its still growing and getting healthier, so I said I would try not to get down, but if 40 weeks comes and its still not here then I'm aloud so saw whatever I want, right?!!!!!! This is just a motivational speech if you cant tell!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Who ever came up with this was not kidding. A few weeks ago, all the sudden my house, car, everything seemed to be so dirty, and of course too dirty to bring a baby home too. So I had my carpets cleaned and each day I try and work on something new. The only problem is I start something and then I get tired easy and need to sit down for a minute, that or I have bent down too many times, and the baby starts kicking me, so I need to take a break. Then when I am ready to start again there is another area I would rather work on. So I feel like it is taking a lot longer than it needs too. I am a little bit in panic mode with 3 weeks left because like i said I feel like everything is half way done. I guess the good thing is, the baby will never remember that he/she came home too. I'm sure it will all come together soon, and there will be nothing to worry about! Plus it helps because as much as I am ready to not be pregnant any more it makes it okay that its not time yet, because I'm not ready, but i wonder if I really ever will be!!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Getting Ready!
Last night Josh and I started to put together some of our new baby things we got from the shower! Josh was very proud of himself for getting the stroller and car seat all set up. After my mom made the comment about not setting it up before hand to let Josh show his handy work, he was determined! He did a good job and it was fun to have it finished. he was pushing it around and pretending the baby was in it! Its weird to have all this baby stuff around, it makes it feel even more real!

On Saturday I had my first baby shower! Christy and Suz both put it on but there was a lot of help from everyone else. It was so much fun, and weird to be the one having the shower. I can't tell you how many people were so mad at me for not finding out what we are having because they said it made it hard to buy cute things! I think it was still great, I had a lot of my great friends there (some couldn't make it) but all in all it was really fun to see everyone! Also Friday my mom surprised me at work! She flew in for the shower and it meant so much to me. I totally started crying when she came, good thing the patient in the chair was Christy! Then Joshs mom surprised me Saturday at the shower. Her and aunt Cam drove down just for the shower, and that meant a lot to me as well. Like I said it was so much fun with a lot of support from a lot of my great friends and family.
Dilated 1 cm
Last Thursday we had our first appointment where I got checked... Crazy my body is already doing this but with my luck it will be like this for 3 weeks, and the baby will come a week late! Just thought I would keep everyone updated!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Turkey Tails
In between the session of conference, we went over to visit Adam, Shannon, and Collin, and when we were leaving to catch the 2nd session Collin didn't want his uncle Josh to leave and he wanted to come to our house. So we brought him with us. I don't know how most do conference, but we have a big breakfast, snack, blankets, and pj's. Not to mention no make-up, and don't really fix the hair. As you can see, Josh just put on a hat, and that was perfect to cover up the bed head from the last nights sleep. When Josh took his hat off, Collin started laughing so hard, and said "look at your turkey tails" I don't know where he got that from, but I couldn't help but blog about it, because i couldn't stop laughing. I know it is probably one of those funnier had to be there moments but the look on Collins face, and as he laughed and made fun of Josh's hair was just too funny!
Fall Leaves

So we tried again to go up the Canyon and see the leaves changing... and i think we missed it again by a week. We went with some of our friends, Parker and Hali, and rode the lift up. There were still some pretty colors, and it was fun to be up in the canyon but we need to think about it a week earlier next year. I think this is the 2nd year we have done this!
Friday, October 03, 2008

So for the last few weeks, with out fail I am waking up any wehre between 4 and 5am. It was actually getting to be funny how much like clock work this has been, so i decided to take a few pictures so you would believe me. Usually I get up to go to the bathoom, and then for some reason I can't fall back asleep for at least an hour(sometimes 2). I guess it is just getting me ready for when the baby gets here but it would nice if I could get at least a last few weeks in with a good nights sleep. Oh well I guess another one of the many great perks of being pregnant!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Thursday, September 25, 2008
As the Weather Changes...

So I was reading one of our friends blogs and saw that Jenny put her top ten reasons she hates colds... I thought it was almost exactly what i felt like and needed to do a few revisions and post it on our blog!
Top Ten Reasons I hate Colds:
1—Sore throat, watery eyes, excessive green snot, Rudolph’s nose, and severely raw nostrils
2—Feeling like I have a bubble for a head where my voice reverberates incessantly in my own ears
3—The inability to take “good” cold medicine because I’m pregnant
4—Having to change my mask and gloves at least once with each patient I work on because i either sneeze in the mask or the snot drips down enough to where you can see it through the mask.
5—The constant plugging of at least one nostril—if not both—and the fact that the annoying pluggage can switch sides as it pleases
6—My house looks like hurricane Ike decided to pay us a personal visit
7—Chronic sniffles, couching and sneezing... working over patients.
8—Taunting moments of clarity: brief periods of time when the snot clears from both nostrils and the ears unplug—where I feel as if three of my lost senses have returned (hearing, smelling, and taste)—only to have them taken away as quickly as they came back.
9—Not being able to kiss my husband- well I still do but not being able to do it without feeling like Im going to get him sick
10-The knowledge that this bug will probably pass to Josh in a few days…just when I’m finally starting to feel better, and then I get to take care of him! ( he does not do well when he is sick)
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Brittany played her first college golf tournament on Friday, and we were luckily able to go, which was good because its the only tournament she plays in Utah! She had a few mistakes but over all played pretty good, ending up with an 82. It was a lot more fun at this tournament because they were not so weird about talking to the players as they were when we went to her state tournament. That and I think if you get brothers and sisters together riding around in golf carts we just goof off and think everything is funnier than it really is.

So yeaterday we had the Ohio State Vs. Usc game and all we have to say is good company bad game. They were missing there star running back b/c he got hurt in the first game of the season but still no excuse. It was almost like they gave up, so it made it so hard to watch. I will say we did have a lot of people over for some good BBQ.My doctor made us some Tri tip steak a few weeks ago and it was so good we decided to try and duplicate it. It turned out to be really good, with tons of other food. I think we will be eating baked beans, pasta salad, and lemonade for the next few weeks, but it was good!! Josh has done a pretty good job of not really letting it get to him, but I think talking about the game has been most of what our conversations have been about since the game was over, and Im sure until next game. I guess it makes him feel better to talk about it... he is too cute and I love that he is such a big fan!
Monday, September 08, 2008
Reception #2
This is Josh and Cru- Jeff and Kayla's little boy-- he just loves Josh, but what little kid doesn't
So for Lindsey and Jakes 2nd reception we made it down to St. George, which of course was no big deal for us! We love it there and get to stay with some our good friends! Of course there was a little sand volleyball, In N' out burger, some games and then of course we made it for the reception!!! I was sad I didnt get a picture in Texas of the wedding so I did get one so everyone can at least see a picture!
7 Month, Belly Shot!
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