Saturday, November 29, 2008

Doctor Scare

After we got home from thanksgiving dinner Lincoln was not being his normal self. He was crying a lot, not really eating and felt a little warm to me. So Josh ran to the store to get a thermometer. It seemed as though he had some gas and was not feeling well from that but then we checked his temp. and it was at 99. There was a site online that said at 99 he has fever, so we called the doctor and they had us come in. They checked his temp again at the doctor and it was down to 98.2, and Lincoln was sound a sleep being so good. So when the doctor came in I said can you tell we are new at this and that our mom's are gone! He laughed and said we get this all the time. We talked with him a little about making sure he stays healthy and what things we needed to do and he just stressed staying away from anyone who is sick and anyone in a house with someone who is sick. He told us how some people will think you are being to protective, and some will understand and depending on the kind of people Josh and I are depends on who you allow in the house. Josh told him we are kind of push overs and he said well then keep him away for 4 weeks. We asked about flying home for Christmas and gave us good advice for that, but also told us its mostly up to us and how we feel about it. So If you don't see us for another 3 weeks you know why! It cost 25 bucks, but really made us feel good about things!


  1. I am so glad he is ok though its so scary when babies get sick. I hope everything else is doing good though he is adorable!

  2. You guys are so great! Looks like you are doing an awesome job with little Lincoln...

    I promise, I'm not sick, so one of these days I need to come visit...please? I'll bring a present :) It might be a few weeks though since I'm scheduled to be induced on Tues.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. He is soooo cute and every bit worth every worry and doctor visit and visitor screening as well!

  5. So glad he was okay! Ya, be careful, we've had more than one mom bring their sick kid over, never mentioning he was sick, and then when Bixente ends up way sick and miserable the moms say that they read on the internet it was good for their immune system to get sick often, so who cares that your kid is sick? Your just being overprotective. If it really was so great to be sick--especially for tiny peoplel--would doctors say keep away from other sick people? I don't think so!

  6. Oh poor little guy! Seriously, that exact thing happened to us with Emmett. Isn't being parents so crazy at first?! I feel like we had no idea what we were doing and it's so hard not to freak out at every little thing. (Esp. me. I'm such a worry wort!) I'm so glad he was okay though. He gets cuter and cuter every picture you post and I didn't even know that was possible!!

  7. sometimes it is hard to know exactly when to take them to the doctor, but if you feel that your children need to go then it is better to be on the safe side. Just be cautious of who you let around him and hopefully people will use their common sense. he is just darling.

  8. Ok let me know when I'm allowed back over ;) I want to come when I can.

  9. Jake, Lincoln is so cute! Love checking your blog for new pics! You guys are such a precious family! Where are you living now a days?

  10. those are such cute pictures on all of your posts! Like I told you, I called the nurse all the time with Chris- it just comes with being a first time parent! We can't wait to see you guys again- hopefully the babies will both be happy next time! :)

  11. hey jake! got your last comment on my blog. My husband went to Elkins and played golf there. Ill ask Brandon is he knows your dad. Glad your parents are up there seeing you and the baby! Have a great time with them!

    Oh... you asked how me and my husband met. We met when I was coaching his little sister's travel ball team. :)
    of course softball was involved, wouldn't expect it any other way, haha
