It all started because Lincoln would be stirring in the middle of the night or would wake up a little sooner than I wanted him to, so I would grab him and put him in bed with us! Then there are times Josh is still in bed and wants Lincoln to snuggle him so I would set him down with Josh, and now that's the only place he wants to sleep. I will put him to sleep after feeding him and he is dead asleep but the second I put him down he is stirring again. Then I will lay him in the bassinet and within an hour he is awake. So I put him in our bed and he sleeps anywhere from 4-6 hours. I know its great but I think we have created a monster. Josh and I know we have to break him from it soon and will have some bad nights but we just love it so much and its so nice to get some sleep, so we decided we would do it when we get back from Texas!!
Yes, you are in trouble. But it is sooo wonderful to actually sleep. After 6 months of Bixente waking up every hour at night and never taking naps we let him sleep with us too. He finally started sleeping through the night in his own bed after we came home from Utah in May. It's been great to get our bed back, but it sure was nice to finally get some sleep by puting him in bed with us. Good luck guys. Lincoln looks like such a little angel!
ReplyDeleteOh I don't know how you're going to be able to put that cute little boy back in his own little bed. He looks so cute and cuddly that I think he needs to nap with Grammy and Papa when he visits us in Texas!
ReplyDeleteOh but look at that sweet face. How can you just let him cry :)
ReplyDeletehey its okay look at us Cru still gets in our bed, we cherrish it, dont stress. He is so perfect and Josh looks like he is in Heaven, we love it
ReplyDeletegood luck with that one...poor thing just wants to snuggle his parents. what kid doesn't???
ReplyDeleteDon't stress about it! Emmett used to never take naps unless I was holding him then all of the sudden he didn't like it so I put him in his crib and he's been fine ever since. Also, I got the best advice from someone when I told them I was worried about it- they said not to worry because it wouldn't last long and that I should just cherish it! Besides, with how cute Lincoln is how could you NOT let him sleep with you guys?! Merry Chritmas! Hope Lincoln's first was fabulous!
ReplyDeleteOK these pics are so freakin' cute! But yes I would say you are in trouble haha. But I think most people put the baby in bed with them when he wakes up too early. So I guess it goes with the territory :)