Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Curled up!

I just loved this picture... i thought he looked so cute all curled up!


  1. Jac he is so cute! I love that pic too! that is so fun your dad came in town to see Lincoln. Dont you love being a mom!

  2. he is so adorable and small! it is weird that hallie was once that small! i love his dark hair. =) and i'm glad that your parents could come out to see you guys! love and miss you!


  3. Too cute. He looks all toasty-warm snuggled up there on the boppy. I wish I could kiss his cute face!

  4. I seriously LOVE little Lincoln. He really is just so perfect! I make my husband come look every time you post because he really is just the cutest little baby I have ever seen!

  5. Ohhh so cute!!! I'm having major withdrawals from kissing our new little grandchildren. I can't wait to see them!

  6. I have been meaning to txt you back for like 5 days now! Sorry! I saw that you commented on my blog, so I figure you got the news!! Love your little guy...he looks so cute all curled up!

  7. he looks so darling all curled up! I just want to snuggle up next to him.

  8. OK if it's possible already he totally looks like you guys already. SO CUTE!
