Tuesday, October 28, 2008


We had another doctors appointment on Monday and he told me that there was a little bit of change in dilation but not much with anything else. I knew this was going to happen. I started early and have now sat like this for almost 3 weeks. Dr. Jacob says to not get discouraged because it is still early... easy for him to say!!! Josh said when we got home that we got into this knowing it was 40 weeks and its good its still growing and getting healthier, so I said I would try not to get down, but if 40 weeks comes and its still not here then I'm aloud so saw whatever I want, right?!!!!!! This is just a motivational speech if you cant tell!


  1. Oh my gosh, I SO know how you feel! The last 2 months I was just expecting it to happen any day and it didn't until 5 days before my due date! UGH! But for real, when had him and he was healthy and "done" (Like none of that white crap on him and stuff) I realized I was grateful. But feel free to complain cause I still did ALL the time! My friend swears that walking a ton helps and she's had her babies a few weeks early both times. I was too fat and my feet were SOOOO swollen so I couldn't walk a lot so I can't back it up but it's worth a try! :) Hang in there and you will forget all about this when you have your beautiful baby in your arms!!

  2. I always thought the last few weeks were even the hardest for me and I was not even prego. It drove me nuts! I was so excited to move on with my life--you know--into a new stage. I felt like I was always on hold or something. I would ask Jenny everything the doctor said and tried to analyze every word and ask for his tone and all of that. I wasn't the biggest help. It is funny to look back on it now. The babe will come. Look to the 40 week mark. That helps. And enjoy the time when the babe is in the belly. No car seat. No feeding. Easy to jump and go anywhere you need to on a minutes notice...This is a long comment :)

  3. I know what you mean, I was dialated to a one for over a month and even when my water broke they said I was still at a one! But I remember every time I went to the doctors appointment being disapointed that it was still exactly the same as the last 3 times! Bixente came the morning of his due date. He was right on time.

  4. I complained the whole last month. It's so hard not to be ready for the baby to come when they tell you you're progressing early! I am so excited for you guys though, I seriously cannot wait. Just a little longer!!!!! Do you need anything?

  5. The day is getting close! I am so excited for you guys! I just wanted you to know I was thinking about you and we will be anxiously awaiting your good news!
