Sunday, February 01, 2009

Hand and Foot Prints!

So I had this idea I wanted to do for one of the frames in Lincoln's room... and I soon found the idea was cute but to actually do it was way harder then i envisioned! First Josh and tried to do it while he was asleep but once the paint was on his hands he woke right up and then would just make his hand in a fist. It was like he liked how the paint felt on his hands and kept wanting to feel it. He was so good and so cute! Even though I got both of us completely covered in paint, I still got a few good prints of both his hands and feet, so i would say it was a success!!


  1. that is a really cute idea! i'm impressed that he let you do it! =) and i really love the quilt you made! you are so crafty. =) it turned out really cute. and josh is such a cute dad. i liked the pictures of them snuggling. we love and miss you all!

  2. What an adorable little mess! He's so cute and chubby! I wish I were there to sqish him and kiss those grear cheeks!

  3. haha thats so cute! I thought you would post that cute smiley picture? I want to show him off to everyone! :)

  4. You are a much more brave and much less psycho mother than me! Seriously? Paint? Girl, you are crazy...but then again, it sure looks like it was fun! The room is looking so the colors you picked! Enjoy that time where you only have one child and can actually get things done here and there...'cause as soon as #2 comes, it's a whole new world (yes, I am singing Alladin in my head)!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Haha this is adorable! I will have to see this art work soon.

  7. We sent Shaunie with a gift for Lincoln so hopefully she remembers to bring it down to Utah when she comes this weekend.
