Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Thursday, September 25, 2008
As the Weather Changes...

So I was reading one of our friends blogs and saw that Jenny put her top ten reasons she hates colds... I thought it was almost exactly what i felt like and needed to do a few revisions and post it on our blog!
Top Ten Reasons I hate Colds:
1—Sore throat, watery eyes, excessive green snot, Rudolph’s nose, and severely raw nostrils
2—Feeling like I have a bubble for a head where my voice reverberates incessantly in my own ears
3—The inability to take “good” cold medicine because I’m pregnant
4—Having to change my mask and gloves at least once with each patient I work on because i either sneeze in the mask or the snot drips down enough to where you can see it through the mask.
5—The constant plugging of at least one nostril—if not both—and the fact that the annoying pluggage can switch sides as it pleases
6—My house looks like hurricane Ike decided to pay us a personal visit
7—Chronic sniffles, couching and sneezing... working over patients.
8—Taunting moments of clarity: brief periods of time when the snot clears from both nostrils and the ears unplug—where I feel as if three of my lost senses have returned (hearing, smelling, and taste)—only to have them taken away as quickly as they came back.
9—Not being able to kiss my husband- well I still do but not being able to do it without feeling like Im going to get him sick
10-The knowledge that this bug will probably pass to Josh in a few days…just when I’m finally starting to feel better, and then I get to take care of him! ( he does not do well when he is sick)
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Brittany played her first college golf tournament on Friday, and we were luckily able to go, which was good because its the only tournament she plays in Utah! She had a few mistakes but over all played pretty good, ending up with an 82. It was a lot more fun at this tournament because they were not so weird about talking to the players as they were when we went to her state tournament. That and I think if you get brothers and sisters together riding around in golf carts we just goof off and think everything is funnier than it really is.

So yeaterday we had the Ohio State Vs. Usc game and all we have to say is good company bad game. They were missing there star running back b/c he got hurt in the first game of the season but still no excuse. It was almost like they gave up, so it made it so hard to watch. I will say we did have a lot of people over for some good BBQ.My doctor made us some Tri tip steak a few weeks ago and it was so good we decided to try and duplicate it. It turned out to be really good, with tons of other food. I think we will be eating baked beans, pasta salad, and lemonade for the next few weeks, but it was good!! Josh has done a pretty good job of not really letting it get to him, but I think talking about the game has been most of what our conversations have been about since the game was over, and Im sure until next game. I guess it makes him feel better to talk about it... he is too cute and I love that he is such a big fan!
Monday, September 08, 2008
Reception #2
This is Josh and Cru- Jeff and Kayla's little boy-- he just loves Josh, but what little kid doesn't
So for Lindsey and Jakes 2nd reception we made it down to St. George, which of course was no big deal for us! We love it there and get to stay with some our good friends! Of course there was a little sand volleyball, In N' out burger, some games and then of course we made it for the reception!!! I was sad I didnt get a picture in Texas of the wedding so I did get one so everyone can at least see a picture!
7 Month, Belly Shot!
The Wedding!
I know I am the worst sister in the world. I didn't take one picture of the wedding! I just figured they had a photographer, so i didn't need to take any pictures. Then I remember how long it takes to get those back, and wished that i had!! It was really fun to be there and fun but weird to see Lindsey getting married. I'm sure the same feeling everyone had when it was me kneeling across the alter. Of course we had lots of Shipleys, bluebell and got to go an Astros game! It was a fun weekend and weird to be in the house I grew up in for the last time! Mom and Dad have sold the house and I hate to think I will never go back there! Oh well, I'm glad i got to be there one last time!
Emergency Room Visit #2
So Saturday before we went to Texas for the wedding I was sitting at Justins football game and started to cramp. Nothing out of the ordinary and nothing I hadn't felt before but enough to go to the nearest gas station for some Tylenol. When the game was over I still was not feeling to well so we went home and I took a nap, and when I woke up I thought I was dying. I took about 10 baths, tried heating pad, took more Tylenol, and nothing was getting better. So after about an hour to 2 hours I decided to call the doctor because this could not be normal. Of course he sent us to Labor and Delivery. They put me on the monitors to test for contraction and saw that i was contracting so they wanted to make sure i was not dilated. Good thing I was not, but after a few more test they found out that I had a UTI. I guess its common in pregnancy but this was nothing i felt before it was a constant pain in my back and belly, and then i was hurting so bad it was making me throw up (sorry maybe too much info). Josh was so good he even cleaned it up, and those that know Josh,that is a a big deal! So they called me in some antibiotics and sent me home. I was hurting for the rest of the night took 10 more baths, tried ice, heating pad and throwing up about 12 more times. It was the worst feeling, I wish I was in labor because then they could of given me something for the pain. Oh well, i guess I got a good idea of what to look forward to!! Its all better now, but I promise with how many times they sent us to labor and Delivery we will have our deductible payed off before we have the baby!
So I know this is a little late but we have been going 90 to nothing! A few weeks ago was my 23rd birthday and it was perfect! I worked in the morning and had a surprise from Christy and Kaden with cinnamon rolls and a little note from Morgan. Then when I got home Josh had decorated the house with some help from Christy with balloons and streamers. He had planned a couples massage... one of my favorite things in the world and after we went to Tucanos for dinner, and then came home for cake and ice cream with the family! Josh did really good this year not only with a fun night but he also bought me a sewing machine! I have been wanting just have not really had time to think about it, so he did the research and I love it! Thanks to everyone who came and for the gifts, it was a lot of fun!
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