It feels like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital, and now he is talking, playing any kind of sport he can think of, excited about life and figuring something out new everyday. Lincoln is at such a fun stage right now. He loves to tell you colors of things, can count, can tell you his letters, and numbers, loves backyardagains, Sesame Street, Handy Manny, golf(going to the Alvin course and be on the golf cart), basketball, baseball. He loves airplanes and trains. He still loves his baths, and loves his music in the car. Most popular request is monkeys...#2 on the CD. Lincoln is very observant and picks things up really fast. We think this is why a 2 year old can swing the golf club as well if not better than his daddy. He loves Trey right now. Sometimes does not like him playing with his toys and can be a bully, but the best thing is to hear them playing together and laughing together. Right now he really loves his daddy. Sometimes I get a little jealous but it really is cute. Almost every morning he grabs dino(the little green dinosaur grandma and pompom gave for Christmas which he sleeps with every night) milk and pillow, walks up the Josh's side of the be and says"oh hi daddy" and comes in to cuddle his daddy. Josh is gone a lot at night and normally is not able to see Lincoln and so this is Lincoln's time to be with daddy. Loves going over the Grammy and Papas house. Sometimes i think he likes them better than me, but thats what a grammy and papa are for. Loves going on walks and playing soccer at Lost Creek, after our walks with Chelsea and Sadie. Talks about the temple and the airplanes he sees there. Loves to play with his friends Logan and Austin. Loves to say pray, and i love to see him fold his arms. He normally mentions everything he sees in the room, or something he did that day, and then of course at the end, throws his arms in the air and yells "Amen". This stage is just so endearing, and you love to see them grow, but hate to see them get older.