Sunday, January 25, 2009
The Forbidden Fruit
Peek A Boo
The things a parent will do just to make their kids smile!! Of course this was the morning time, and he was so cute! I just love this little boy!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
The Clean Up!!
I had to put him in the bath after that, and he was so cute! Here is a little video! i love that he loves his baths!
Those that have a weak stomach... DONT LOOK!!!
I could not help it... this morning Lincoln poohed his pants more than I have ever seen in my life! It was so bad, there was not a white spot on the diaper. As I was getting ready to change him i noticed on his onsie the pooh in the front and knew it had to be bad!!

Seriously its bad but i couldn't help it, i had to let everyone see so you would know I was not joking when I said no white spots... But if you have a weak stomach don't look!! I left it on the ground open so Josh would just see it, other wise I don't think he would of looked!
this was before... seriously your last warning!!!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
My Smiley Boy
This is Lincoln most mornings, and I love it! The video is a little dark, sorry my eyes were still adjusting at 5am! Just mute my voice it makes it much cuter!! I just love this and love that he can recognize our voices and is smiling so much!
this is josh getting ready to go in

Friday, January 09, 2009
Baby Eden

We went to the hospital again yesterday so i was able to get these cute pictures!
It was so cute because when we were there, and all Collin kept doing was asking to hold baby Eden and then if Adam ever took her back not but 2 minutes later Collin would ask again. One time Adam told him,"I'm going to have a turn." Collin didn't like that. He layed on the ground and said "Dad you never give me a turn" It was so cute! He just loves his little sister!
Couldn't decide..."I"ll have both!"
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Babies on the Same Day

So it seems to be running in our family to have cousins born on the same day! Yesterday baby Eden and Baby Sebastian were born! Adam and Shannon's little girl and Nat and Kari's little boy! So that makes 6 nieces and nephews on the Petersen side! We were able to go spend a little bit in the hospital with baby Eden and she is so cute! What a beautiful baby, and to see Collin see her for the first time was the cutest thing in the world. He had the painted on grin the whole time, not really sure what to expect! Seeing how good he is with Lincoln, I know he will be such a good big brother
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Loves the Bath
Lincoln Just loves his baths. We started giving him a lot of baths becaus of his stuffy nose. The doctor said it helps to clear him, so we were doing it morning and night! We found that he just loved being in there, so now if he has a lot of gas and is hurting, we put him in the bath and he calms right down... sometimes enough to get the gas out. Thats when daddy is done watching!
Collin and Lincoln
I loved this video of Collin and Lincoln on Chrism as Morning. Collin Just loves Lincoln. Every time we we come over he has to make sure we brought Lincoln, and then we wants to hold him! It is so cute, he will be such a good big brother!
A Sad Loss...
Ohio State played Texas in the Fiesta Bowl yesterday and it was such a good game. It was close all the way to the end, but Ohio State lost in the last 3 minutes of the game. It was too bad because they had lost there last 2 bowl games (although they were in the national championship game,s which a lot of teams can't say)but they needed to win this to gain a little respect back. I think because it was a close game they did gain a little respect but it was still had to see them loose. Ohio state played Texas 3 years ago right when Josh and I started dating. At that game I was wearing my Texas jersey and he was wearing his Ohio State one. I will have to say after 3 years I have been converted! I have always liked Texas but was never really a die hard, so I don't feel like I have completely abandoned my team! Plus they are still my second favorite. Its been fun to get into football with Josh, and now we have another buckeye in the house to watch the games with his daddy!
Lincoln's Blessing

New Years Day!

Mom made tons of treats and dips to start out the new year! I think we all gained at least 10 pounds from that and Shipleys! It was fun to just eat, relax. and hang out, but it looks like Josh, Dad and John relaxed too much. I thought this was a cute picture of the 3 of them! Then of course little Lincoln was right there with them. This is his new thing, he loves to just bury his face. Its a little scary, when he is by himself, so I have to really make sure he is sleeping on his back, or be where I can see him! I love that little guy!
New Years' Eve

Chritmas Morning

G and PomPom's
For Christmas this year we were able to go to Texas... We we worried we were not going to be able to because of how little Lincoln was, but after we got the okay from the doctors we decided to fly down on Christmas day! First thing we did was head over to Grandma and Pompom's. It was so much fun to be with everyone. These are just a few pictures I took and thought were so cute! You have to thank Grammy for the outfit, she found it at a little boutique in Texas!

Thursday, January 01, 2009
Meeting the great Grandparents
So after talking with 3 different pediatricians, and getting 3 okays to come down to Texas for Christmas, we flew down Christmas day just in time to make it for the annual Christmas at G and PomPom's. It was fun to see everyone, and especially fun to show off Lincoln to everyone. I was most excited for him to meet G and PomPom for the first time. Then the next day Granny came to visit and see him too. I am so lucky to have grandparents that care as much as they do, to make the efforts to come see there grand kids and great grand kids.
White Elephant

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