Saturday, April 10, 2010


Lincolns First Texas Rodeo! I'm not sure really what he thought about it, but he seemed to have fun! He kept pointing at all the animals, it was really cute! Josh and I went the night before to see Toby Keith, and when the concert started the second night we decided it was probably too loud for Lincolns ears, so we went up top to listen and got a funnel cake. If Lincoln hated everything else I know for sure he loved the funnel cake. Whats a rodeo without a funnel cake!


  1. I LOVE funnel cake - Preston just had it for the first time ever. I couldn't believe it - who doesn't know what that is!? Lincoln's a sweetie. Looks like so much fun.

  2. looks so fun! i love seeing pictures with you and josh in them. you guys are such a gorgeous family! and of course it makes me miss you guys even more! =)
