I know these are a little late and a little out of order but I at least wanted to post them, I just have not been able to find a place where we get service. After our cruise we stayed an extra week with mom, dad and Brit. It was a lot of fun! We got to have Taste of Texas, Sweet Mesquite, Shipleys (i think at least twice), we went to an Astros game, that they won, we went to this awesome chocolate store, we got to go back to the temple, went to Austin, stayed in a really fun hotel, watched Brit's special friend win the golf tournament, and we were able to check out UT's law school. This was all the fun stuff we got to do, but we did spend a little time at dad's office. It was only four crowns later that dad finished working on Josh's teeth. I guess it was kind of a good thing because we thought he might of needed root canals, but either way we were very grateful for dad's help. We really had a lot of fun just hanging out, and it was sad to leave and get back to real life where we have to work!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Our Eventful Day
So today we went through the 8 o'clock session for Rachel's first time through the temple. It was such a great experience and I'm so glad we were able to be there with her for this special day. It was fun to be able to watch someone else go through for the first time, it brings back great memories.
Soon after the session it was go time for Sam and Sheerstie's big day. Sam flew into Idaho a few days earlier than she though to propose to her. Josh and I got all the food and decorations ready, pick him up from his bus, rushed him over to Sheerstie's house and then watched as Sam sweat trying to set up and get things ready. Josh got a kick out of it, because he was glad he was not doing that again. It was funny to hear him talk about our proposal again, and remember how nervous he was on our day. We are so happy for them both and are excited for wedding number 3 for the Petersen's.

So we have been bad but we don't have Internet at our house and we are not at school anymore to use there computers. We have also not had time because we have been trying to catch up in Lost. I will say that we have not successfully watched all 3 Seasons, and 72 hours later it does not look like Josh was too exited about it. The night after we watched the season finale, Josh came home to type this:
What I Love Most About Lost
I love black smoke that is so awesome it can form into a massive smoke hand and pummel the cool huge black guy to death, but is somehow scared of the electric fence and is apparently unable to figure out how to go over it like the survivors did.
I love the Russian bad guy who can be electrocuted, foam at the mouth and shoot blood from his ears only to survive and be speared in the chest with a harpoon, only to survive and be blown up by the grenade…I look forward to his return next season.
I love how everyone on the island has at sometime or another had a drink with jack’s dad or was fathered by him.
I love how you never quite know if Locke’s legs will be working or not…they don’t work so Boone climbs the cliff but after he falls, Locke carries him back to camp…and when Locke’s laying in the pit shot in the stomach, they won’t work- but once Walt comes and tells him they work he’s able to hike for miles.
I love that everyone cheap shots and knocks each other out when the other guy’s not watching, but they never seem to hold a grudge or ever start looking over their shoulder when they turn around.
I love polar bears.
I love Michael…He is my favorite character! Just ask Jacqs! I especially love how everyone wants to help him look for Walt but he just hits them on the head and locks them in gun room instead. I know if I was a concerned parent who needed to go on a journey to save my son from a bunch of guys with guns who stole him in the night…that’s exactly what I’d do. I’d beat up my friends who wanted to help me and go alone.
I love that I will never be able to get the 72 hours I spent watching this awesome show back…they are gone forever…just like Mr. Ecko and the one eyed Russian. Well Ecko for sure, we’ll have to wait and see about the Russian.
I love black smoke that is so awesome it can form into a massive smoke hand and pummel the cool huge black guy to death, but is somehow scared of the electric fence and is apparently unable to figure out how to go over it like the survivors did.
I love the Russian bad guy who can be electrocuted, foam at the mouth and shoot blood from his ears only to survive and be speared in the chest with a harpoon, only to survive and be blown up by the grenade…I look forward to his return next season.
I love how everyone on the island has at sometime or another had a drink with jack’s dad or was fathered by him.
I love how you never quite know if Locke’s legs will be working or not…they don’t work so Boone climbs the cliff but after he falls, Locke carries him back to camp…and when Locke’s laying in the pit shot in the stomach, they won’t work- but once Walt comes and tells him they work he’s able to hike for miles.
I love that everyone cheap shots and knocks each other out when the other guy’s not watching, but they never seem to hold a grudge or ever start looking over their shoulder when they turn around.
I love polar bears.
I love Michael…He is my favorite character! Just ask Jacqs! I especially love how everyone wants to help him look for Walt but he just hits them on the head and locks them in gun room instead. I know if I was a concerned parent who needed to go on a journey to save my son from a bunch of guys with guns who stole him in the night…that’s exactly what I’d do. I’d beat up my friends who wanted to help me and go alone.
I love that I will never be able to get the 72 hours I spent watching this awesome show back…they are gone forever…just like Mr. Ecko and the one eyed Russian. Well Ecko for sure, we’ll have to wait and see about the Russian.
David, you are going to have to talk this over with him, because i'm not too sure he is excited to watch the next 2 seasons.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Test Results!

I found out about a few hours ago that i passed my national boards with an 86. I didn't have my phone all day, and when i finally made it back to it, i saw that I had a few of my friends from school had called. Now, we all get along and talk to each other still every once in a while but it has never happened that they had all called on the same day so i knew our scores had come in! When i registered I was still living at Belmont so my results were sent there. Loopy has been on the look out for me while we have been gone, so i called her and had her run to the mail to open it for me. It was such a relief, and its such a good feeling! I have my clinical's this weekend, and after that its all over, so i will keep you all updated!
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Week in the Sun!
So were back from our fun week on the cruise... It's good to see that David and Jenny got on the ball and started blogging again, it was fun to be able to cross paths with John and Emma from a couple of hours in Texas, and from the looks of Justin's game, and the tent in the house it looks like we left at the perfect time! We had such a fun week, with loads of fun stories and fun pictures to prove it! Well like David said, Yes, we did stuff our faces with food, and will have to work off every bit of it these next couple of weeks but i bet we had a lot more fun eating and sitting in the fun, than he did running, oh and don't forget we get to work off Taste of Texas, Sweet Mesquite, Pappasitos, and Shipleys!
The day we got on the boat we missed the muster drill, (this is when you practice getting your life jackets and lining up at your muster station where you would stand to get on the life boat in case you have to evacuate the boat) because we cut it a little close getting on the boat in time, so luckily nothing happened so it really was not that big of a deal. We had our first big meal, top sirloin steak... it was awesome! This was the first of many, and i think the only night Josh ordered only one entree. We had such cute servers, and room attendants, but Benny our assistant server was great. Each night he had the drinks he knew we liked and the bread we always choose already waiting for us when we got to the table, he worked so hard and really was such a humble great guy. We were so lucky to have great people at our table and ironically we had two other LDS couples at our table. One of them was a cute young married couple at BYU and the other couple was in Josh 's old home ward in Ohio. It was so funny when Josh started talking to them because they actually got down to knowing the streets that they lived on. Josh does not remember who they are, so they must of just crossed paths, but it really was fun and ironic to have all of us at the same table.
Jamaica-- We ended up having to port in Montego Bay instead of Ocho Rios, so we debated on whether to drive the 2 hours to the Dunn River Falls, or just camp on the beach... we decided to negotiate with one of the cab drivers to get a good deal, which ended up working out, so we split a cab with the other LDS younger couple. It's funny because the ship information desk told us make sure you only get the cab drivers that are in uniform! Our cab driver Mike had the maroon pants and tie like everyone else, so of course we thought he had to be safe, but we later realized his shade of maroon pants were a little, his tie was a little different and he was the only one without a name badge! Needless to say, we he was funny and we got from there and back safe.
Cayman Islands-- We loved this country. It was so pretty and run by the British so it was not the same third world country feeling. It was actually hard to convince Josh to get back on the boat... He loved it so much and when our tour guide told us that Accountants do really well there that's all Josh needed and he was ready to look for a house. We were able to go on an excursion, where we snorkeled along the reef and then we got to swim with the stingrays. It was amazing how smooth there body's are, and scary there tails were. There little stinger was crazy big and crazy long so it would scare you a little bit, but we just brave long enough to take the picture.
Cancun--We loved Cancun too, the water was beautiful and we were able to rent a scooter for the day and drive around the city. We snorkeled a little bit there but mainly just played in the ocean and layed by the beach, it was great.
We really had a great time, and it's hard to think we have to start eating only 3 times a day again and go back to real life soon, but we do get to stay in Texas for another week to delay the inevitable and were excited about that.
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