Josh and I had such a great chritmas, probably one we will never forget... Josh surprised me on chritmas night, by flying down to Texas and proposing that night. I had no idea he was coming, it was all a surprise to me. Pretty much both our families knew in late October or early November. I guess thats a good thing because you know they can all keep a secret. So the big day is on March 3rd, in the Houston Texas temple. I know we are doing it so fast, we are 5 1/2 weeks away and it seems to far for us. We are so excited, and both stressed at the same time. We are planning the wedding, while Josh is in one of his hardest semesters at BYU, and then i take my big test to get my dental hygiene license 3 weeks after we are married. Its good because it keeps us busy but the only times Josh and I really get to see each other is while we are on the library studing together. Its a fun time, and Im excited and grateful for the people that are spending the money and making an effort to come be with us on this day, it really means a lot to both of us!

I told you i had no idea, did you notice that I was in my pajama's....